Background & Inspiration


Being self-employed is sometimes not easy. Self-employed people often have longer working hours and less vacation and financial security. Nevertheless, flexible living and working arrangements, being one's "own" boss and a new career perspective are the main motives for women to start a business. Frau in der Wirtschaft has been working for years to support self-employment for women in Austria - with great success. In the meantime, 45,5 % of all company founders are women and more than every 3rd company is managed by a woman. Women with children in particular need more support so that starting a business and running it independently is compatible with family life.



The WKO has already published demands to politicians on its website. Ideas based on these demands as well as completely new ideas are welcome!


The attached presentation describes our identified problems from the course of the project so far. For a better understanding of the task, it may be helpful to have a closer look at it. Maybe this information will also help you for further inspiration!